
COVID-19 Guidelines

  Looking at our New Normal We  are implementing some changes in our daily work flow to assure a safe and clean environment for our patients and team. Our objectiveRead More

Acidity & pH

Please see the below video to understand the consequences of acid erosion: This balancing act in the mouth has a direct effect on your risk for cavities. This a majorRead More

Post-Op Sensitivity

Postoperative tooth sensitivity with composite restorations relentlessly continues to be a common, yet unpredictable, problem in dentistry. Caries, unless extensive, is generally considered to be a “silent” disease, making post-opRead More

Preventive Resin Restoration

We practice preventive dentistry, but also focus on caring for acute and chronic dental needs. We do our best to achieve early detection, early intervention, & prevention, and we hopeRead More


Halitosis, also known as bad breath, is an unpleasant condition that can be associated with embarrassment, affecting an individual’s self-esteem, inevitably having social implications as well. As your dentist, ourRead More