Dental Extractions

Out with the old, in with the new

Types of Dental Extractions:

  • Simple Extractions are tooth removal procedures that can be accomplished using a traditional "elevator and forcep". Simple implies that the tooth is not cut into pieces and no incision is made in the gum tissues to gain access to the tooth.

  • Surgical Extractions are for those stubborn teeth. It is a tooth removal procedures in which surgical access is required to completely remove a tooth. This includes sectioning the tooth into two or more pieces, whether or not a soft tissue incision is made. Depending on the anticipated complexity, we typically will refer our patients to a specialists in circumstances in which we expect that surgical intervention is required.

Who Would Need a Dental Extraction?

While nobody wants to lose a tooth, dental extractions are sometimes necessary when a tooth is too badly damaged from trauma or decay. Also, extractions may be recommended as part of orthodontic treatment.

If you have a condition that may put you at risk for developing infection, you may need to take antibiotics before and after the procedure. Like any invasive or minimally invasive procedure, be sure to discuss your medical history with Dr. Kumar & her team, as well as a full list of medications and supplements that you take.

How Dental Extractions are Performed

As a precaution, we always take X-rays of the tooth or teeth in question, to help plan the procedure.  After preparing a method of extraction, you will be given local anesthetic that will prevent you from feeling pain during the procedure.  Next, we will use a tool called an elevator to lift the tooth and loosen ligaments and gum tissue around the base of the tooth. Finally, we will use a pair of forceps, to gently rock the tooth back and forth until it breaks free of the ligaments holding it in the gum tissue.  Occasionally, a stubborn tooth will resist the dentist’s soft tug, refusing to come out. In these and more complex cases, the tooth may need to be broken up into smaller pieces for removal.

Dental Extraction Recovery

Following your dental extraction, you will be sent home to make a full recovery. A speedy recovery will depend on strict adherence to our post-op instructions.  Be sure to take your pain medication as described, and limit activity for the next day or two.

While it is normal to feel some discomfort after a dental extraction, if you experience bleeding or severe pain more than four hours after your tooth is pulled, contact our office ASAP so that we can facilitate a solution for you. Of course, if we are not available, please visit an ER or call 9-1-1.

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